Can I get an abortion without telling my parents?

78158692If you’ve already been to a doctor and confirmed your pregnancy and due date, then your next step is to consider your options. None of your options will erase this pregnancy or make it as if this never happened. Researching your options can be an empowering step and will likely result in more peace and confidence in the course of action you take next.

If you are considering abortion you need to know how far along your baby is because your options may be limited. The cost and type of abortion available to you is determined by your state’s laws, as well as how much your baby has grown. By the time you miss your period your baby is already 4-5 weeks old, her arms, legs, and brain are developed and her heart has been beating for more than a week. By 6 weeks your baby has record-able brain waves and can jump and stretch. At 8-9 weeks along your baby can suck her thumb, turn her head and feel pain. Babies grow at an amazingly fast rate during pregnancy, especially early on. It’s never too early to consider options for you and your baby.

While talking to your parents seems like a difficult step right now, there is good reason to allow them to help you through this time. With any abortion procedure there are serious risks and side effects for all women. Infection, depression, anxiety, and even death are serious risks and effects of abortion. How would your parents know how to help you if you became sick suddenly and they didn’t even know you were pregnant, let alone had an abortion? How do you think they would feel if they knew you were carrying such a heavy secret and they couldn’t get you the help you needed in time? Would it be easier if they found out about your pregnancy from you, rather than a nurse or doctor in the Emergency Room?

You can call or text us any time, even right now at 1-800-923-6784 to talk with a pregnancy coordinator and get tips on how to approach your parents. You can get free, confidential answers to your questions 24/7.

147028964If you are considering abortion you need to talk with a doctor about your individual state’s laws regarding parental consent. Most states require parental consent when it comes to abortion. However, in most cases, a woman can choose to place her baby for adoption without her parents’ permission. This can be a good option for women who are in circumstances where they need to hide a pregnancy. There are resources for women who need housing or help to hide their pregnancy until the adoption.

Out of your choices, abortion is the one choice you can’t change your mind about after. Many women admit later that they wished they hadn’t chosen abortion and that because of their choice they have dealt with depression, difficulty maintaining close relationships, and a lack of trust in others, as well as themselves. If you have had an abortion before, experiencing a second abortion may prolong the time you need to heal emotionally.

Pregnancy comes with life-altering effects, whether you raise your baby, choose abortion, or place for adoption. Make sure you feel confident you’re making a choice you can live with long term and know there is help if you want to understand everything about your options.